Should you need a reliable partner in India to Inspect/monitor your offshore QC metrics,we are here to service you at a very reasonable cost.
Why Us?
- Highly Qualified and an Experienced team of professionals with many years of Industrial experience.
- Our services offer you with accurate, on-time and extremely economical services.
- Our package of Services are designed to suite the requirement of all types of clientele, be it order-as-you-go, on-demand, trial, inclusive or comprehensive Packages
We provide the above services by:
- Acting as your company’s Quality Operations contract service provider in India
- Inspecting ,assessing and qualifying your contractors, vendors and third parties through onsite inspection and audits.
- Periodic reassessment of your contractors and vendors as per your vendor management programme.
- Preparing your Quality/Technical Agreements with your contractors, vendors and third parties, to include assigning roles and responsibilities for Quality Assurance to both parties.
- Monitoring your off shore QA metrics.
- Acting as your Responsible Person/Partner (RP) for quality defects and product recalls, supporting your responsibilities as Marketing Authorisation Holder.
- Providing contract Qualified Person (QP) services.
- We also offer to manage your Vendor MSDS data management
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